Hi all or anyone who still reads this. I've not blogged much lately cos there really hasn't been much to blog about. Things were fairly plain sailing and normal. Then I went through some fairly stressful stuff and realised my band was reacting by being too tight.
I left it for a while in the hope it would sort itself out but nope, I was back to daily pbging, so made an appt with Belgium Surgery Services (which is what Dr Chris now calls his company) to have an unfill in London
I met Bart, who Id not seen before, and he said I had 5.5ml in and he suggested taking out 1mil. So I am down to 4.5ml
I still have restriction but not like I did, and inevitably I've gained a little weight. But hopefully I'll lose it if I'm careful what I eat.
Up to 143 pounds this morning, will keep weighing in once a month till I'm back to normal. I am working on two things: not eating when I'm actually just thirsty; and not eating unless my tummy is rumbling (or I'm feeling light headed)
If I stick to that I should get rid of these pesky seven pounds.
And in a blast from the past, I spent last week at the AZ van Portaels Hospital - not as a patient, but as company for a friend who was having WLS. I was surprised how much the hospital has changed, it's huge and bright green. And certainly the bariatric team there are working practically on a conveyor belt! WLS has obviously become much popular in the last ten years.
Hope to post more regularly to see if I can hit this regain on the head :)