Sunday, 3 January 2010

Question of the week

Do you think our bodies are programmed to put on fat over the winter? (From the days when food was scare and the world was cold and there was no central heating or grocery stores?)

Would be interested in any thoughts on that.


wannabthinagain said...

sounds like a good theory to me!

I'm HATING the cold so much this year, and it's not as cold down in the south than it is up north...i cannot imagine living were it is REALLY cold!
i want to do NOTHING. i want to sit and eat (something comforting and warm!)!

could being cold all the time be considered one of the CON'S to losing weight?! LOL i'll deal with the cold!!

THE DASH! said...

I think you're right: putting on weight does hark back to the caveman era. Damn fine thought actually.. we can say.. but it's in our dna.. it's not our fault (just kidding.. it's a good theory tho!!)