Friday, 21 December 2007

And now the beginning

I realise that this is now no longer about travel and tourism, or about operations and hospital risks, but instead this is the beginning of my new eating habits and weight loss journey. That is not going to be so easy to write about, but I will try to be honest.

Because of pain and medication I have spent the first week with next to no appetite, in fact my biggest concern has been lack of fluid. You are meant to have 2 - 3 litres a day, yet only 100 mils at a time, with 15 mins between each drink. . .that is 400mils and hour. So the first week I've been concentrating on drinking water. Not hungry as such, but so used to eating food when I am tired, crosss, happy, angry, sad, bored, fed up, excited, have nothing to do, have something to celebrate etc, I have a lot to unlearn.

I am booked to go back to Belgium on Jan 11th/12th for a double fill and hopefully that will help some. I also need to get moving a bit more, but till now my stitches have been really painful, and I'm quite bruised, and with losing so much blood pretty weak, so not doing too much round the house.

I need to learn to treat food like fuel. Not like an end in itself.

It is now one week post op and I am slightly heavier than I was pre op. Must be fluid retention cos I've hardly eaten anything. I hope it starts to go down soon. It is dis-spiriting to hear of people losing 30 lbs in their first three weeks, etc.

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